Board of Directors
The board of directors is made up of volunteers who oversee the Canadian Centre for Child Protection. The board is comprised of individuals from a variety of disciplines, including law enforcement, education, psychology, medicine, law, finance, and public service. Board members sit on the board in an individual capacity to provide an independent perspective from their field of expertise and do not represent their employer.
The current board of directors includes:
Brian Brown, Chair
Brian Brown retired in 2019 after nearly 30 years primarily leading internal audit activities for five organizations in Canada, four in the private sector and one federal government agency. His experience included internal audit, risk management, governance, ethics, and fraud across agribusiness, insurance, retail, and regulatory sectors. Brian has shared his expertise by holding several professional board positions, including the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) at the local, national, and global levels, the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD), and a provincial Crown corporation. Since retiring, he has operated an independent consulting and education practice focused on governance, internal audit, and risk management. He has held faculty positions at The Directors College, IIA, ICD, Governance Professionals of Canada, and the Aboriginal Financial Officers Association.
His 40+ years of volunteer experience was based on a passion for improving the lives of children including serving on several sports and community boards, a long-time commitment to coaching soccer, and as a dedicated leader of child-serving organizations. Brian is the recipient of CPA Manitoba’s Fellowship (FCPA), the City of Winnipeg Civic Appreciation Award and the IIA Canada Distinguished Service Award. Brian has served on the Canadian Centre for Child Protection Board of Directors since 2009.
Michael Susser, Vice chair
Michael Susser is a senior executive in the financial services industry with over 30 years of experience in banking, corporate finance, investment management, income tax, estate planning, and insurance. He is currently the Portfolio Manager, President, and CEO of Quadrant Private Wealth.
Michael has volunteered his expertise in the financial sector to help charities successfully achieve their mandates, including as a Trustee with Fort Whyte Alive, the Vice President of the GiftPact Foundation, and on the Friends of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights capital campaign. He has served on the Canadian Centre for Child Protection Board of Directors since 2010.”
Matt Pilloud, Treasurer
Matt Pilloud, CPA, CA, is a Partner and Business Advisor with MNP, a national accounting, tax, and business consulting firm. Drawing on almost twenty years of experience, Matt is a trusted business advisor who helps his clients make practical financial and planning decisions to grow their business and achieve their strategic goals.
Working closely with medium to large private and public companies as well as with small businesses and start-ups, Matt advises on all aspects of running and growing a thriving business. He helps his clients with tax planning and compliance and prepares financial statements under International Financial Reporting Standards and Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises. His services include conducting complex financial statement audits and reviews and compiled financial information.
Matt earned a Bachelor of Commerce (B.Comm Honours) from the University of Manitoba in 2007. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), qualifying as a Chartered Accountant (CA) in 2010 and receiving the Early Achievement Award from CPA Manitoba in 2019. Matt is a director with the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce and a member of the CPA Manitoba Registration Committee. He is also a past president and director of Curl Manitoba. Matt joined the Canadian Centre for Child Protection Board of Directors in 2019.
Janet Sigurdson, Secretary
Janet Sigurdson is a retired General Counsel in the Family Law Section, Legal Services Branch, Manitoba Department of Justice. She was formerly responsible for Manitoba’s Central Authority functions under The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. In this role, she participated in collaborative national and international activities, including being part of the Canadian delegation to The Hague for the Sixth Special Commission on the Practical Operation of the 1980 (Abduction) and 1996 (Protection of Children) Hague Conventions.
Janet’s main practice areas were child protection, parental child abduction, and adoption. Her work included participating in significant legislative and service initiatives with provincial, territorial and federal colleagues, providing advice, training, and litigation support to child and family services staff, and liaising with law enforcement officials and other stakeholders in cases of domestic and international parental child abduction and breach of custody/access orders. Janet has served on the Canadian Centre for Child Protection Board of Directors since 2002.
Kathie King, Past Chair
Kathie King is a retired RCMP staff sergeant who served in Manitoba for 35 dedicated years. Early in her career, she specialized in child abuse investigations and assisted in developing interviewing techniques that were both compassionate and more likely to result in a conviction than previous practices. She focused her expertise in child exploitation as an investigator and teacher for 20+ years, leading the development of both the very first integrated child exploitation (ICE) unit in Canada, and the Manitoba Integrated High Risk Sex Offender Unit. As a member of the Children Online Protection Committee, Kathie was involved in the establishment of Cybertip.ca, Canada’s tipline for reporting the online sexual exploitation of children.
Kathie is a recipient of the Ian Logan Memorial Award for her leadership in the prevention of child maltreatment, the RCMP Commissioners Ensign Group Award as a member of the ICE Unit, the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal, and is a Member of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces. She has served on the Canadian Centre for Child Protection Board of Directors since 2002.
John Carr, OBE
John Carr is one of the world’s leading authorities on children’s and young people’s use of digital technologies. John Carr was a Founding Director of the British Internet Watch Foundation (1996) and a former member of the Advisory Board of INHOPE, the global association of hotlines. He was Senior Technical Adviser to Bangkok-based global NGO ECPAT International and is Secretary of the UK’s Children’s Charities’ Coalition on Internet Safety.
John is now or has formerly been an Adviser to the Council of Europe, the UN (ITU), UNODC, the EU and UNICEF. John has advised many of the world’s largest technology companies on online child safety. He has been a senior expert adviser to the International Telecommunication Union and an expert adviser to the European Union. John is also a former member of Microsoft’s Policy Advisory Board for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. He joined the Canadian Centre for Child Protection Board of Directors in 2024.
Dr. Sharon Cooper
Dr. Sharon Cooper is a pediatrician with almost five decades of experience caring for children. She founded the MACE Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to the well-being of women of colour and their children, and is the CEO of Developmental & Forensic Pediatrics, P.A., providing healthcare to children with developmental disabilities and support in child maltreatment cases.
Dr. Cooper has trained thousands of professionals on victim aspects of internet crimes against children and commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth. She has lectured internationally at hundreds of conferences and is the lead author of the first comprehensive textbook on the medical, legal, and social science aspects of child sexual exploitation and internet-facilitated crimes against children. Dr. Cooper also holds faculty positions at the University of Caroline Chapel Hill School of Medicine and the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences. Dr. Cooper is a veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States and served 21 years in the US Army, retiring as a Colonel. She joined the Canadian Centre for Child Protection Board of Directors in 2024.
Paul Krawczyk
Inspector Paul Krawczyk has served more than 28 years with the Toronto Police Service (TPS) and is currently the Unit Commander of the Integrated Gun and Gang Task Force (IGGTF). He spent 17 years fighting online child sexual exploitation. Paul was the first online undercover officer for TPS and co-lead of an investigation dubbed “Project Wickerman,” which led to the rescue of over 30 children and arrest of hundreds of offenders around the world. He later headed “Project Spade,” an international investigation into child sexual abuse material that led to the rescue of over 400 children in 50 countries and 350 arrests.
In 2011, he was named as one of the Toronto Police Officers of the Year. He joined the Canadian Centre for Child Protection Board of Directors in 2024.
Dr. Laura Mills
Dr. Laura Mills is a Registered Psychologist and Certified Play Therapist. She has taught at the University of Winnipeg, University of Manitoba, and the University of Victoria in both psychology and family studies. Dr. Mills provided psychological services at the Winnipeg Children’s Hospital Child Development Clinic and the Child Protection Centre, which included assessment and treatment of children and adolescents who likely experienced child maltreatment or neglect. After moving to B.C. in 1999, Dr. Mills provided psychology services to the Health and Resources for Children child maltreatment team and the Vancouver Island Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect team. She served as the Psychologist for the Queen Alexandra Centre for Children’s Health Ledger House Adolescent Program in Victoria and the Child and Youth Mental Health Program in Duncan, B.C.
She has served on the board of the Canadian Association for Child and Play Therapy and the B.C. Hear the Child Society. Dr. Mills volunteers with the St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog Program and has served on the Canadian Centre for Child Protection Board of Directors since 2015.
Karim Rajwani
Karim Rajwani brings over 40 years of global expertise in compliance, accounting, risk management, and change management. He has held numerous senior leadership roles, specializing in Financial Crime Risk Management. Currently, he serves on the Board of Directors of Shinhan Bank Canada and is an independent anti-financial crime consultant and Chief Product Officer at Sigma360.
Throughout his distinguished career, Karim has held senior executive positions at several leading global financial institutions. His notable roles include Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at Scotiabank, Global Head of Financial Crime Investigations and Intelligence at Deutsche Bank, and Global Head of Money Laundering at RBC Financial Group.
Karim’s contributions extend to national security, having served on the Advisory Council on National Security for the Office of the Prime Minister of Canada from 2009 to 2012. He founded the Canadian chapter of the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS) and has been an advisory board member for ACAMS, The Knoble, and a senior advisor to the Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative (ATII). He is a chartered accountant in both Canada and the United Kingdom.
In 2024, Karim joined the Board of Directors of the Canadian Centre for Child Protection.
Sue Snider
Sue Snider is the Executive Director of Community Safety Partners, a volunteer organization in Ontario that conducts safety programs for all ages, and is a travel agent. A former athlete, coach, and athletic therapist, Sue founded Top Form Athletics in 1988, the first value-based track club in the world created in response to the doping crisis in sport. For many years, she has coached track and field at the national level, as well as hockey. In 2003, Sue became the Deputy Mayor in the Township of Mulmur, a position she held for seven years. She also sat on the board of Child Find Canada from 2003 to 2008.
In 2004, Sue received a Volunteer of the Year Award for her work with Child Find Ontario, and has received the Gary Putnam Award for her commitment to the safety of children from Dufferin Child and Family Services. She has served on the Canadian Centre for Child Protection Board of Directors since 2010.
Senior Management Team
Lianna McDonald, Executive Director
Lianna McDonald is the Executive Director of the Canadian Centre for Child Protection (C3P). Since 1998, she has guided the agency from its grass roots origins to a leading organization on the international stage in the fight against child victimization. Lianna spearheaded the creation of Project Arachnid, the world’s leading technology for disrupting the online distribution of child sexual abuse material globally.
She works closely with international partners, including survivor organizations, child protection NGOs, and law enforcement agencies. Her expertise in this space is frequently called upon by key groups, including the Five Country Ministerial’s child exploitation task force, the United Kingdom’s Home Office, as well as European Union officials.
In Canada, Lianna oversaw the establishment of Cybertip.ca, the national tipline under the Government of Canada’s National Strategy for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation on the Internet. Her advocacy efforts with provincial and federal governments have contributed to multiple legislative changes for the protection of children, including the creation of the criminal code offenses related to online child luring and legislation for the mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse material by internet service providers. She was a member of Heritage Canada’s expert advisory council on online safety that advised the government on developing legislation to address harmful online content. Lianna is the recipient of the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal (2002), the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012) and the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal (2022) for her continued dedication to the safety of children.
Noni Classen, Director of Education and Support Services
Noni Classen is the Director of Education and Support Services at the Canadian Centre for Child Protection (C3P). Since joining the organization in 2004, she has led the development of three national education programs to reduce the sexual victimization of children: Commit to Kids, Kids in the Know, and Teatree Tells. Noni works closely with education, sport, and other child-serving organizations across the country to help implement a systems-based approach to safeguarding children from child sexual abuse. She also leads our support services team who support families and victims impacted by online sexual violence who connect with C3P, and provide guidance on missing children services.
Prior to working at C3P, Noni spent 10 years specializing in academic programming for youth with complex trauma and assisted in the development of a trauma-informed alternative high school. Noni presents nationally on the issue of child sexual victimization and on best practices to help organizations build capacity to safeguard children.
Lloyd Richardson, Director of Technology
Lloyd Richardson is the Director of Technology at the Canadian Centre for Child Protection (C3P), where he oversees technical operations for the agency and leads the development of technological efforts to combat the online sexual victimization of children. Lloyd has been central to the advancement of C3P’s major tech initiatives, including Project Arachnid and Cleanfeed.
Lloyd oversees the management of internal systems, networks, and security protocols for the organization. Before joining C3P as the IT and Operations Manager in 2006, he worked for a local internet service provider, focusing on network operations.
Monique St. Germain, General Counsel
In her role as General Counsel, Monique St. Germain is responsible for overseeing all legal affairs at the Canadian Centre for Child Protection (C3P). She also regularly works with Crown attorneys across Canada to ensure victims of child sexual abuse material are heard in court, and that the impact of online child exploitation is taken into consideration at the sentencing of offenders. Monique has presented to judges, to UN delegates, and at numerous legal education sessions and conferences. She regularly presents to Crown attorneys, keeping them apprised of offending and case law trends. She has appeared as a witness for C3P before various Standing Committees in both the House of Commons and the Senate, and as counsel for C3P when it intervened in the Supreme Court of Canada case, R. v. Barabash.
Monique was a senior lawyer for a major telecom before joining C3P in 2010. She is the Past Chair of the Child and Youth Law Section of the Canadian Bar Association, the current Co-chair of the Manitoba Bar Association’s Animal Law Section, and in 2017, was named one of Canada’s top 25 most influential lawyers by Canadian Lawyer magazine.
Kristin Olson, Director of Finance and Administration
Kristin Olson joined the Canadian Centre for Child Protection (C3P) as an accountant in 2010, and after two years, was promoted to Financial Reporting Manager. She assumed responsibilities as the Director of Finance and Administration in 2017, and is responsible for overseeing all budgetary, grant management, administrative, and human resource activities for the agency.
Working with the Executive Director, Kristin manages the development and execution of the organization’s strategic planning process, helping to implement C3P’s mission of a safer world for children. Before joining C3P, she worked for an accounting firm managing small business portfolios and for a humanitarian non-profit organization.
Jacques Marcoux, Director of Research and Analytics
Jacques Marcoux is the Director of Research and Analytics for the Canadian Centre for Child Protection (C3P), where he oversees and directs organizational research needs related to the sexual victimization of children. His team’s mandate is to enhance the public understanding of the nature of online harm to children and to arm key stakeholders with evidence‑based research upon which sound policy decisions can be based.
Jacques is formerly an award‑winning investigative reporter with CBC, specializing in data analysis. Previously he worked as a communications and public relations officer in the agricultural industry and in the field of competitive intelligence in the financial sector.
Lindsay Lobb, Director of Operations – Support Services
Lindsay Lobb is the Director of Operations - Support Services at the Canadian Centre for Child Protection (C3P) where she helps lead a team of staff that support the victims of online sexual exploitation who have connected with C3P. Lindsay joined the agency in 2008 as a missing children caseworker, and later was named the case management supervisor. In 2016, Lindsay became C3P’s Policing Relations Liaison, working with law enforcement agencies to implement agreements, deliver training and information sessions, and promote the use of C3P child safety resources. She continues to provide leadership to our missing children support services and to advance policing relations across Canada.
Before joining C3P, Lindsay worked as a social worker in child protection in Ontario and Manitoba. She regularly presents across Canada to police, child welfare, and victim services.
Debra Danco, Associate General Counsel
Debra Danco is Associate General Counsel at the Canadian Centre for Child Protection (C3P). In her role, Debra supports C3P’s General Counsel in managing legal affairs and leveraging the law to protect children. She leads C3P’s monitoring of legal precedents involving tech-facilitated sexual offences against children, producing a twice-yearly case law update to Crowns, as well as submissions on law and policy related to child sexual abuse material and the online sexual exploitation of children. Debra also regularly presents to legal audiences across the country about trends and legal developments in online sexual victimization against children.
Debra joined C3P as an articling student in 2013 after completing her law studies at the University of Victoria. She is also the Co-Chair of the Manitoba Bar Association’s Legal Research Section and Vice-Chair of Women Lawyer’s Forum and is a graduate of the Leadership Winnipeg Program.
Julie Harb, Director, Partner Relations
Julie Harb is the Director, Partner Relations at the Canadian Centre for Child Protection (C3P), where she oversees building and maintaining relationships with partners, allies, and interested parties in reducing the sexual abuse of children. In her role, she analyzes forthcoming legislative and policy gaps tied to child protection and exploitation.
Before joining C3P, Julie was Senior Policy Advisor to the Minister of Transport, helping to advance regulations on passengers’ rights and accessibility. She also served as Policy Advisor to the Minister of Canadian Heritage, championing online regulation, and collaborated with national and international advocacy groups to support the development of legislation in Canada.