Order Materials
- Kids in the Know Programs (19)
- Commit to Kids (2)
- Teatree Tells (5)
- Storybooks (24)
- Activity Books and Comics (8)
- Parent Brochures (8)
- Posters (6)
- Handout Cards (4)
- Puppets (7)
- Video Read-Along Storybooks (11)
- Free Resources (31)
- Educators (75)
- Children/Youth (40)
- Parents (49)
- Law Enforcement (35)
- Child Serving Organizations (56)
Affiche - Principaux Sentiments
Cette affiche indique le nom et l’expression faciale qui correspondent à chacun des sept sentiments universels : joie, tristesse, colère, peur, dégoût, gêne et étonnement.
(affiche 11 po X 17 po)
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